Service Design: Resting Octopus
Resting Octopus is a multi-functional resting furniture for Deutsch Bahn. The furniture provides people leaning and seating function, train schedule display, signal lighting system and safe luggage placement. The design concept is providing comprehensive services to what passengers need while waiting for the trains, such as resting, schedule checking and luggage placement. The concept could also apply to public transportation space, such as subway, airport and bus terminal.
"休眠章鱼" 是一个为德国铁路公司所设计的多功能休息器械。其设计为用户提供倾靠和就坐的功能,还有车次表,灯光提醒系统和行李管理安全的功能。设计概念是为乘客全方位地提供他(她)们所需要的服务,比如休息,查看车次和行李放置。其设计概念可运用在地铁,机场和公交车站等公共场所。